Despite not having official ownership of the property, the opulent estate located in the Altai Republic has been closely linked to Russian President Vladimir Putin for a considerable period.
In a recent unfortunate event, a devastating fire engulfed one of the structures, posing a significant threat to the estate.
The incident was extensively covered by the Russian media outlet Sirena, which shared visuals of the blazing building through its Telegram channel. Finnish media Iltalehti also reported on the incident, highlighting the substantial attention it has received.
The cause of the fire is still unknown, and Sirena's inquiries to the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Altai have yet to be answered.
According to news reports, the property, officially owned by the gas company Gazprom, functions as a sanatorium and resort complex. Gazprom has previously stated that the complex is used for business meetings and corporate events.
Putin's Connections to the Property
The story of the property dates back to 2010 when Gazprom first announced its existence. In 2011, journalists from Novaya Gazeta were denied access to the site due to security measures, further fueling speculation about Putin's connection to the location.
Russian opposition media have repeatedly reported that Putin used the property as a hideout, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, this has never been officially confirmed.
In 2015, the resort hosted a visit by then-Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.
Last week, a representative of Ukrainian defense intelligence, Andrii Yusov, stated that the intelligence service knew the locations of Putin's bunkers but declined to reveal further details.
The Republic of Altai, where the property is located, lies in the Altai Mountains on the border between Central Asia and Siberia, a remote and scenic area befitting the understated luxury often associated with Putin's retreats.